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IPA : iːiːˈsiː
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Meanings for eec

A regional organization that is located in Belgium was established in the year 1957.
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Examples of in a sentence

8vo, 1814); Sur l'ecriture hieratique (1821); Sur l'ecriture demotique; Précis du systeme hieroglyphique, eec. (1824); Pantheon egyptien, ou collection des personnages mythologiques de l'ancienne Egypte (incomplete); Monumens de l'Egypte et de la Nubie consideres par rapport a l'histoire, la religi
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Government, eec. - The colony is administered by a governor who is advised by a nominated council of unofficial members.
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175 sqq.; Macdonald, Muslim Theology, eec., 99 sqq.
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Topography, eec. - Physically the protectorate may be described as almost mountainous in contrast with the somewhat monotonous plains of the interior.
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- Ploucquet, Commentarius Medicus in processus criminales super homicidio et infanticidio, eec. (1736); Burke Ryan, Infanticide, its Law, Prevalence, Prevention and History (1862); G.
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