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Edward Fitzgerald

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Phonetic spelling of Edward Fitzgerald

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Meanings for Edward Fitzgerald

A popular English poet, who gained immense recognition for his book Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam; Rendered Into English Verse.
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Quiz on Edward Fitzgerald


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Wiki content for Edward Fitzgerald

Edward Fitzgerald - Edward Fitzgerald or FitzGerald may refer to:
Edward FitzGerald (poet) - Edward FitzGerald (31 March 1809 – 14 June 1883) was an English poet and writer, best known as the poet of the first and most famous English translation of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Edward Fitzgerald Beale - Edward Fitzgerald "Ned" Beale (February 4, 1822 – April 22, 1893) was a national figure in the 19th century United States.
Edward Fitzgerald (barrister) - Edward Hamilton Fitzgerald CBE QC is an English barrister who specialises in criminal law, public law, and international human rights law.
Edward FitzGerald Law - Sir Edward FitzGerald Law (2 November 1846 – 2 November 1908) was a British diplomat and expert in state finance.
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Examples of in a sentence

George Edward Fitzgerald
Listen George Edward Fitzgerald pronunciation
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The Wreck of the Edward Fitzgerald
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The French directory, which possessed information from Lord Edward Fitzgerald and Arthur O'Connor confirming Tone, prepared to despatch an expedition under Hoche.
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Taylor, The Life of Lord Edward Fitzgerald (London, 1903), which gives a prejudiced and distorted picture of Pamela.
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In 1885 was published another interesting miscellany, Tiresias and other Poems, with a posthumous dedication to Edward FitzGerald.
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Translations of Edward Fitzgerald

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Trending news on Edward Fitzgerald

George Edward Fitzgerald
Listen George Edward Fitzgerald pronunciation
Born May 3, 1936 in Wedgeport, he was a son of the late Edward and Antoinette (Cottreau) Fitzgerald. After a short career with the Royal Canadian Air Force with postings in Europe, George se..View article
image-unavailable The Chronicle Herald

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