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    Meanings for edie

    Edie is a feminine name that means "strife for wealth".It also refers British drama film "Edie" by Simon Hunter.
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    Wiki content for edie

    Edie - Edie is a feminine given name, often a diminutive form (hypocorism) of Edith, as well as a surname. It may refer to:
    Edie Falco - Edith Falco (born July 5, 1963) is an American actress, best known for her roles as Diane Whittlesey in the HBO series Oz (1997–2000) and Carmela Soprano on the HBO series The Sopranos (1999–
    Edie Sedgwick - Edith Minturn Sedgwick (April 20, 1943 – November 16, 1971) was an American socialite, actress, and fashion model.
    Edie Brickell - Edie Arlisa Brickell (born March 10, 1966) is an American singer-songwriter widely known for 1988's Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars, the debut album by Edie Brickell & New Bohemians, which
    Edie McClurg - Edie McClurg (born July 23, 1945) is an American stand-up comedian, actress, singer and voice actress.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    ‘The Sopranos’: How James Gandolfini and Edie Falco Began Taking Their Roles Home With Them
    0 rating rating ratings
    Edie Campbell: 'I was fuming to be told I was too fat to open Milan fashion week’
    0 rating rating ratings
    Edie Parker Is Seeking Winter / Spring '20 Interns In New York, NY (Paid Internship)
    0 rating rating ratings
    Edie Campbell Does Minimalism Right on Vogue Spain’s January 2020 Cover
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    Family in desperate battle to raise £200,000 to help Edie, 6, to beat deadly brain tumour
    0 rating rating ratings
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    Translations of edie

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    Trending news on edie

    Edie Campbell: 'I was fuming to be told I was too fat to open Milan fashion week’
    ‘Being put in front of a camera and told to be sexy can be cringe-worthy’: Edie Campbell. Photograph: Joanne Davidson/Camera Press Modelling is hard and strange in slippery ways. Being put i..View article
    The Guardian The Guardian
    ‘The Sopranos’: How James Gandolfini and Edie Falco Began Taking Their Roles Home With Them
    But looking back at their time portraying Tony and Carmela Soprano, James Gandolfini and Edie Falco mostly looked at the positive sides of it. As for Gandolfini, he had nothing but warm thin..View article
    The Cheat Sheet The Cheat Sheet
    Edie Campbell Does Minimalism Right on Vogue Spain’s January 2020 Cover
    Our forum members loved the mag’s stripped down approach. “So elegant, simple and subdued. It’s so eye-catching! Edie looks terrific. Vogue Spain is on a bit of a roll,” praised KINGofVERSAI..View article
    image-unavailable theFashionSpot
    Edie Parker Is Seeking Winter / Spring '20 Interns In New York, NY (Paid Internship)
    Edie Parker is seeking interns to support their New York office for the winter/spring term starting first week in January 2020. Edie Parker is seeking interns to support their New York offic..View article
    Fashionista.com Fashionista.com
    Yorkshire parent's appeal to help others after birth of baby Edie with rare condition
    Facing every parent's worst nightmare, Helen Stapleton had known only that she wanted to be by her daughter's side. Baby Edie Bea, now five months, was born with a rare kidney condition whic..View article
    The Yorkshire Post The Yorkshire Post
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