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Phonetic spelling of Ebru

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Meanings for Ebru

A feminine name that is of Turkish origin.
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Wiki content for Ebru

Ebru - Ebru may refer to:
Ebru Gündeş - Ebru Gündeş (Turkish pronunciation: [ebˈɾu ɟynˈdeʃ], born 12 October 1974) is a Turkish pop-folk singer, actress, and television personality.
Ebru Topçu - Ebru Topçu (born August 27, 1996) is a Turkish women's football striker currently playing in the Turkish Women's First Football League for Konak Belediyespor in İzmir with jersey number 16. S
Ebru Umar - Ebru Umar (Dutch pronunciation: [ˌe:bru ˈumɑr]; Turkish pronunciation: [ebɾuː umˈaɾ]; born 20 May 1970) is a Dutch columnist of Turkish descent.
Ebru Yaşar - Ebru Yaşar (pronounced [ebˈɾuː jaˈʃaɾ]; born 8 August 1978) is a Turkish pop music singer.
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Examples of in a sentence

Ebru.com has a 1.25 million Euro bid on Sedo
Listen Ebru.com has a 1.25 million Euro bid on Sedo pronunciation
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Sedo cancels auction of Ebru.com
Listen Sedo cancels auction of Ebru.com pronunciation
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Kenya: Why Chipukeezy Is Quitting Ebru TV
Listen Kenya: Why Chipukeezy Is Quitting Ebru TV pronunciation
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Ebru TV denies firing Kartelo because of ‘ghetto-ness’
Listen Ebru TV denies firing Kartelo because of ‘ghetto-ness’ pronunciation
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Ebru Kurbak uses traditional textile techniques to create embroidered computer
Listen Ebru Kurbak uses traditional textile techniques to create embroidered computer pronunciation
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Translations of Ebru

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Trending news on Ebru

Kenya: Unhappy DJ Pierra Explains Why She Left Ebru TV
Deejay Pierra Makena has explained the unhappiness that led to her leaving Ebru TV where she has been co-hosting a talk show. Makena on Thursday announced her decision to quit hosting Lets T..View article
AllAfrica.com AllAfrica.com
Ebru.com has a 1.25 million Euro bid on Sedo
Listen Ebru.com has a 1.25 million Euro bid on Sedo pronunciation
What is the meaning of the name Ebru? Means “paper marbling” in Turkish. Paper marbling is the art of creating colourful patterns on paper.
image-unavailable thedomains.com
Sedo cancels auction of Ebru.com
Listen Sedo cancels auction of Ebru.com pronunciation
Yesterday we wrote that there was a 1,250,000 Euro bid on ebru.com. Many wondered what was going on, some thought maybe it’s ebru.tv bidding. Sedo has now cancelled the auction so no sale. T..View article
image-unavailable thedomains.com
Top 10: Visit the Al Ain Traditional Handicrafts Festival, witness a world record attempt in ebru art at The Mall at WTC Abu Dhabi and more
Visit Al Ain for the Traditional Handicrafts Festival presented by the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi. Learn about the crafts that reflect the UAE’s artistic heritage such as..View article
The National The National
Kenya: Why Chipukeezy Is Quitting Ebru TV
Listen Kenya: Why Chipukeezy Is Quitting Ebru TV pronunciation
Comedian Mwasia Mutua, popularly known as Chipukeezy, has quit Ebru TV after declining to meet certain demands from the media house. The comedian, who hosts the Chipukeezy Show on Mondays on..View article
AllAfrica.com AllAfrica.com
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