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Pronunciation of Eastern with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈiːstən
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Phonetic spelling of Eastern

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Meanings for Eastern

It is an adjective that means facing towards the east direction.
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Synonyms for Eastern

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Antonyms for Eastern

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Wiki content for Eastern

Eastern - Eastern may refer to:
Eastern Orthodox Church - The Eastern Orthodox Church, officially the Orthodox Catholic Church, is the second-largest Christian church, with approximately 260 million baptised members.
Eastern Front (World War II) - The Eastern Front of World War II was a theatre of conflict between the European Axis powers and co-belligerent Finland against the Soviet Union (USSR), Poland and other Allies, which encompa
Eastern Bloc - The Eastern Bloc (also the Socialist Bloc, the Communist Bloc, and the Soviet Bloc) was the group of communist states of Central and Eastern Europe, East Asia, and Southeast Asia under the he
Eastern Catholic Churches - The Eastern Catholic Churches or Oriental Catholic Churches, also called the Eastern-rite Catholic Churches, and in some historical cases Uniate Churches, are twenty-three Eastern Christian a
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Examples of in a sentence

Loved ones 'suffer together' after death of 4 eastern Iowa teens
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THE FIRES JUST WON'T LET UP New wildfire on the move in eastern ...
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Middle Eastern Culture Highlighted at Annual Festival
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Big League softball: Walden loses in Eastern Regionals final
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Tropical Storm Danielle forms in Atlantic Ocean
Listen Tropical Storm Danielle forms in Atlantic Ocean pronunciation
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Translations of Eastern

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