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Phonetic spelling of Dussehra

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Meanings for Dussehra

Dussehra (Vijaya Dashami, Dasara, or Dashain) is a Hindu festival that celebrates the victory of good over evil. It is a gazetted holiday in India, which is marked on the 10th day of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) of the month of Ashvin (Ashwayuja), according to the Hindu calendar.
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It is a Hindu festival that is celebrated throughout the world, which signifies the victory of good over evil.
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Examples of in a sentence

Sanjay Dutt performs puja on Dussehra, Maanayata Dutt pens a heartfelt post after his recovery
Listen Sanjay Dutt performs puja on Dussehra, Maanayata Dutt pens a heartfelt post after his recovery pronunciation
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Gold loses lustre on Dussehra, Covid-19, high rates crash sales by 35% in Maharashtra
Listen Gold loses lustre on Dussehra, Covid-19, high rates crash sales by 35% in Maharashtra pronunciation
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Bommala Koluvu celebrated during Dussehra festival
Listen Bommala Koluvu celebrated during Dussehra festival pronunciation
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Air Quality in New Delhi Worsens After Dussehra celebrations
Listen Air Quality in New Delhi Worsens After Dussehra celebrations pronunciation
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Dussehra festivities bring back customers to sweet shops in Rajkot
Listen Dussehra festivities bring back customers to sweet shops in Rajkot pronunciation
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Translations of Dussehra

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Trending news on Dussehra

Dussehra special show 'Dasara Pellichupulu' to air on October 24
Listen Dussehra special show 'Dasara Pellichupulu' to air on October 24 pronunciation
Telugu television is all set to entertain with its Dussehra special entertainers and 'Dasara Pellichupulu' is the special show which will enthrall the telly audience much before its competit..View article
image-unavailable Indiatimes
Rajnath Singh to celebrate Dussehra with Army jawans in high-altitude area in Sikkim
Listen Rajnath Singh to celebrate Dussehra with Army jawans in high-altitude area in Sikkim pronunciation
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will celebrate Dussehra with Army soldiers in a high-altitude border area in Sikkim and perform ‘Shastra Puja’ (worship of weapons) on the occasion on Sunday ...View article
image-unavailable India TV
Flipkart starts Dussehra Specials sale: Big deals on Realme C3, iPhone 11 Pro, Poco M2, Redmi 8A and more
Listen Flipkart starts Dussehra Specials sale: Big deals on Realme C3, iPhone 11 Pro, Poco M2, Redmi 8A and more pronunciation
After the Big Billion Days sale, Flipkart has now started its Dussehra Specials sale today. A week-long sale right after the Big Billion Days sale will continue through October 22 to October..View article
image-unavailable BGR
Dussehra 2020 Date, Time & Significance
Listen Dussehra 2020 Date, Time & Significance pronunciation
The festival of Dussehra also starts the preparations for Diwali, one of the important festivals of lights, which is celebrated twenty days after Dussehra.
image-unavailable Indiatimes
Dussehra 2020: Actors list their fave films where good triumphs over evil
Listen Dussehra 2020: Actors list their fave films where good triumphs over evil pronunciation
Ahead of Dussehra, which emphasises on the celebration of the triumph of good over evil, actors have shared their favourite films t
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Dussehra pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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