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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : dÊŒl dʌl
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Examples of in a sentence

All-Decade Raiders: Mack, Carr among stars of a dull final 10 years in Oakland
64 ratings rating ratings
Democrats Decide Not to Debate Dull
59 ratings rating ratings
Arsenal defender Calum Chambers reveals what Mikel Arteta told the squad before dull Everton stalemate
54 ratings rating ratings
‘Dabangg 3’ opens dull amid nationwide CAA protests
50 ratings rating ratings
The 24 Best Body Lotions and Creams That Tackle Dry Patches and Dull Skin This Winter
45 ratings rating ratings
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Trending news on dull

Presidential Debates are as Dull as 1950s TV Game Shows.
Presidential Debates are as Dull as 1950s TV Game Shows. The whole production is tidy, predictable, nonthreatening and occasionally entertaining. That’s precisely why the two dominant politi..View article
The National Interest The National Interest
Arsenal defender Calum Chambers reveals what Mikel Arteta told the squad before dull Everton stalemate
Calum Chambers has revealed new manager Mikel Arteta set out three things he was looking for from Arsenal before their dreary 0-0 stalemate with Everton at Goodison Park. Arteta, who was con..View article
Talksport Talksport
‘Dabangg 3’ opens dull amid nationwide CAA protests
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The 24 Best Body Lotions and Creams That Tackle Dry Patches and Dull Skin This Winter
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The Mandalorian Chapter 6 Is a Decent Heist Flick with a Dull Supporting Cast
This review contains spoilers for The Mandalorian, “Chapter 6: The Prisoner.” The one interesting topic that gets discussed is the Mandalorian’s past. Up until now, all of the people that he..View article
The Escapist The Escapist
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