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Duke of Edinburgh

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    Meanings for Duke of Edinburgh

    He is a member of the British royal family and husband of queen Elizabeth II, who is known for his involvement in many services.
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    Quiz on Duke of Edinburgh


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    Wiki content for Duke of Edinburgh

    Duke of Edinburgh - Duke of Edinburgh, named after the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, is a substantive title that has been created three times for members of the British royal family since 1726. The current holder
    Duke of Edinburgh-class cruiser - The Duke of Edinburgh-class cruiser was a class of two armoured cruisers built for the Royal Navy in the first decade of the 20th century.
    Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment - The Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment (Berkshire and Wiltshire) was an infantry regiment of the British Army.
    Duke of Edinburgh Stakes - The Duke of Edinburgh Stakes is a flat Handicap horse race in Great Britain open to horses of three-year-old and up.
    Duke of Edinburgh's Own Edinburgh Artillery - The Duke of Edinburgh's Own Edinburgh Artillery was a part-time reserve unit of Britain's Royal Artillery based in the City of Edinburgh from 1853 to 1909. Volunteers from the unit served in
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Prince Philip: Duke of Edinburgh admitted to difficult ...
    Listen Prince Philip: Duke of Edinburgh admitted to difficult ... pronunciation
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    Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, admitted to hospital ...
    Listen Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, admitted to hospital ... pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Prince Philip: Duke of Edinburgh admitted to hospital 'as ...
    Listen Prince Philip: Duke of Edinburgh admitted to hospital 'as ... pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Duke of Edinburgh ‘in good spirits’ as he spends second ...
    Listen Duke of Edinburgh ‘in good spirits’ as he spends second ... pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    The Duke of Edinburgh taken to hospital | Bracknell News
    Listen The Duke of Edinburgh taken to hospital | Bracknell News pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
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    Translations of Duke of Edinburgh

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    Trending news on Duke of Edinburgh

    Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, admitted to London ...
    Listen Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, admitted to London ... pronunciation
    Queen Elizabeth’s 99-year-old husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh “The Duke’s admission is a precautionary measure, on the advice of His Royal Highness’s doctor” Buckingham Palace said..View article
    7news 7news
    Duke of Edinburgh spends second night in hospital ...
    Listen Duke of Edinburgh spends second night in hospital ... pronunciation
    The Duke of Edinburgh has spent a second night in hospital after he felt unwell and was admitted as a precaution. Philip is spending a few days in the private King Edward VII’s Hospital in L..View article
    Coventry Telegraph Coventry Telegraph
    Duke of Edinburgh ‘in good spirits’ as he spends second ...
    Listen Duke of Edinburgh ‘in good spirits’ as he spends second ... pronunciation

    Philip is spending a few days in the private King Edward VII’s Hospital in London on the advice of his doctor.

    Duke of Edinburgh: Prince Philip spends second night in ...
    Listen Duke of Edinburgh: Prince Philip spends second night in ... pronunciation
    Hospital staff treating the “outspoken” Duke of Edinburgh are unlikely to see the consort as an ideal patient, a royal author has said.
    heraldscotland.com heraldscotland.com
    Prince Philip: Duke of Edinburgh admitted to hospital 'as ...
    Listen Prince Philip: Duke of Edinburgh admitted to hospital 'as ... pronunciation
    A royal source said Prince Philip does not have a coronavirus-related illness and walked into hospital unaided on Tuesday evening.
    Sky Sky
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