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Meanings for ducats

A gold coin that is used by European countries.
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Examples of in a sentence

The present bridge, the work of Antonio or Giovanni Contino, whose nickname was da Ponte, dates from 1588-91, and cost 250,000 ducats.
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The pope was greatly alarmed, and although he was then involved in war with France he sent about 30,000 ducats to the Hungarians.
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The cardinal was implicated in the conspiracy of Cardinal Petrucci against the pope, and confessed his guilt; but, pardon being offered only on condition of the payment of 25,000 ducats, he fled from Rome and was subsequently deposed from the cardinalate.
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The Venetian ambassador Gradenigo estimated the paying number of offices on Leo's death at 2150, with a capital value of nearly 3,000,000 ducats and a yearly income of 328,000 ducats.
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Marino Giorgi reckoned the ordinary income of the pope for the year 1517 at about 580,000 ducats, of which 420,000 came from the States of the Church, ioo,000 from annates, and 60,000 from the composition tax instituted by Sixtus IV.
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