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    Meanings for DuBose

    It is a French surname. In earlier days, this name was used to refer to a person who measured corn or someone who made bushel baskets for corn.
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    Wiki content for DuBose

    DuBose - DuBose or Dubose can refer to:
    DuBose Heyward - Edwin DuBose Heyward (August 31, 1885 – June 16, 1940) was an American author best known for his 1925 novel Porgy.
    DuBose Porter - DuBose Porter (born October 2, 1953) is an American politician who served as Chairman of the Democratic Party of Georgia and served as a member of the Georgia House of Representatives from 19
    Dubose Heyward House - The Dubose Heyward House is a historic house at 76 Church Street in Charleston, South Carolina. Now a wing of a larger house, this modest two-story structure was the home from 1919 to 1924 of
    DuBose Conference Center - The DuBose Conference Center, formally known as the DuBose Memorial Church Training School, is a historic site at Fairmont and College Streets in Monteagle, Tennessee.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Alexander Dubose Gets New Shot At Bid For $500K In Fees
    Listen Alexander Dubose Gets New Shot At Bid For $500K In Fees pronunciation
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    Rayna DuBose has a tale of courage, perseverance to share with Women’s Giving Circle
    Listen Rayna DuBose has a tale of courage, perseverance to share with Women’s Giving Circle pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Former Alabama head coach Mike DuBose OK after accidentally shooting himself
    Listen Former Alabama head coach Mike DuBose OK after accidentally shooting himself pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Ashton Dubose, defense lead Brennan past Stevens
    Listen Ashton Dubose, defense lead Brennan past Stevens pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Natalie DuBose Opened a Cake Shop in Ferguson. Then Her Pain Went Viral
    Listen Natalie DuBose Opened a Cake Shop in Ferguson. Then Her Pain Went Viral pronunciation
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    Translations of DuBose

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    Trending news on DuBose

    Coach of the Week: Jamey Dubose of the Lowndes Vikings
    Listen Coach of the Week: Jamey Dubose of the Lowndes Vikings pronunciation
    This week’s Coach of the Week features Lowndes Vikings' Jamey Dubose. The 17-13 win over Tift County, didn’t come like their previous five. For the first time this season, the Vikings played..View article
    image-unavailable MSN
    Ashton Dubose, defense lead Brennan past Stevens
    Listen Ashton Dubose, defense lead Brennan past Stevens pronunciation
    Bears quarterback Ashton Dubose accounted for all three of the Bears touchdowns. Ashton Dubose, defense lead Brennan past Stevens Brennan's Avron Carter (02) makes a catch and run for a 68-y..View article
    image-unavailable MSN
    Former Alabama head coach Mike DuBose OK after accidentally shooting himself
    Listen Former Alabama head coach Mike DuBose OK after accidentally shooting himself pronunciation
    One former Alabama head coach has apparently dodged a bullet, at least in the figurative sense. According to multiple media outlets, Mike Dubose accidentally shot himself in the upper torso..View article
    image-unavailable NBCSports.com
    Rayna DuBose has a tale of courage, perseverance to share with Women’s Giving Circle
    Listen Rayna DuBose has a tale of courage, perseverance to share with Women’s Giving Circle pronunciation
    Rayna DuBose owns six sets of prosthetics, but her favorite pair is her “girly girl legs.” The coach for Marriotts Ridge High School — whose hands and feet were amputated in 2002 after she c..View article
    The Baltimore Sun The Baltimore Sun
    Alexander Dubose Gets New Shot At Bid For $500K In Fees
    Listen Alexander Dubose Gets New Shot At Bid For $500K In Fees pronunciation
    Law360 (March 14, 2019, 8:06 PM EDT) -- A Texas appeals court Thursday gave Alexander Dubose Jefferson & Townsend LLP another shot at more than $494,000 paid as sanctions in a real estate su..View article
    Law360 Law360
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