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Pronunciation of downbeat with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈdaʊnbiːt
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Phonetic spelling of downbeat

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Meanings for downbeat

the first beat of a musical measure (as the conductors arm moves downward)
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Synonyms for downbeat

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Examples of in a sentence

South African stocks retreated from record highs on Thursday, unmoved by the central bank's rate hike decision as a downbeat tone in major overseas markets and concerns about valuation weighed on sentiment
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While older people typically express less optimism about the economic future than the young, aging Baby Boomers are even more downbeat than earlier generations were at the same age
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As Yuletide offerings go, Charles Poekel's "Christmas, Again" might as well be called "It's a So-So Life" -- a downbeat but never outright depressing reminder that the holidays tend to look a lot less jolly from the vantage of those peddling Christmas cheer
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Minor Keys Open Doors: Rap's Obsession With Downbeat Beats
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European Stocks Trim Weekly Gains On Downbeat US Jobs Report
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