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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈdəʊtɪʤ
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    Meanings for dotage

    It refers to the shrinking age of a human resulting in difficulty remembering things.
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    Wiki content for dotage

    Examples of in a sentence

    The French system of taxation was maintained because it brought in ampler revenues; but feudalism, the antiquated legislation and bureaucracy were revived, and all the officers and officials still living who had served the state before the Revolution, many of them now in their dotage, were restored
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    (I guess I'm crazy and getting into my dotage, but I can't stand unexplained scenes of crowds rioting in food markets in India
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    At the age of 77, Stephen Lewis describes himself as being “happily in his dotage,” a man free to bare his soul and dispense with diplomatic niceties
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    TOM UTLEY: Bribing children like my lad with £200 to fly the nest? So long as he comes back in my dotage!
    Listen TOM UTLEY: Bribing children like my lad with £200 to fly the nest? So long as he comes back in my dotage! pronunciation
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    dotage should be in sentence

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    Trending news on dotage

    TOM UTLEY: Bribing children like my lad with £200 to fly the nest? So long as he comes back in my dotage!
    Listen TOM UTLEY: Bribing children like my lad with £200 to fly the nest? So long as he comes back in my dotage! pronunciation
    As I fast approach my dotage, I can all too easily see a dawn, in the not too distant future, when my wife and I would give almost anything to have an able-bodied family member on the premis..View article
    image-unavailable Daily Mail

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