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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈdɔːkəs
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Meanings for dorcas

A Christian apostle who appears in the book Acts of the Apostles in the Bible.
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Docas from Joppa
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Wiki content for dorcas

Dorcas - Dorcas (Greek: Δορκάς, Dorkás; Aramaic: טביתא‎ Ṭabītā) was a disciple who lived in Joppa, referenced in the Acts of the Apostles (9:36–42) in the New Testament.
Dorcas gazelle - The dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas), also known as the ariel gazelle, is a small and common gazelle. The dorcas gazelle stands about 55–65 cm (1.8-2.1 ft) at the shoulder, with a head and bod
Dorcus Inzikuru - Dorcus Inzikuru (born February 2, 1982 in Vurra, Arua District) is a Ugandan track and field athlete, competing in the steeplechase.
Dorcas Hardy - Dorcas Ruth Hardy (July 18, 1946 – November 28, 2019) was a former federal government official. Hardy served as the 10th Commissioner of the United States Social Security Administration (SSA)
Dorcas Ajoke Adesokan - Dorcas Ajoke Adesokan (born 5 July 1998) is Nigerian badminton player.
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Dorcas perhaps; Cervus Wallichii, the Indian barasingha, and probably some other Indian deer, in the north-eastern mountains.
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The dorcas gazelle is still common in the south of Tunisia; but perhaps the most interesting ruminant is the magnificent udad, or Barbary sheep, which is found in the sterile mountainous regions of south Tunisia.
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Translations of dorcas

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