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Meanings for Donnas

The Donnas is an American-originated rock band formed in 1993, who gained immense recognization for their song Fall Behind Me in 2004.
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Wiki content for Donnas

Donnas - Donnas (Valdôtain: Dounah or Dounàs; Issime Walser: Dunaz; Piedmontese: Donàs) is a town and comune in the Aosta Valley region of northwestern Italy.
Donna Summer - LaDonna Adrian Gaines (December 31, 1948 – May 17, 2012), widely known by her stage name based on her married name Donna Summer, was an American singer, songwriter, and actress.
Donna Shalala - Donna Edna Shalala ( shə-LAY-lə; born February 14, 1941) is an American politician and academic serving as the U.S.
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Examples of in a sentence

Pat Benatar and Blondie with The Donnas at Musikfest -- Live blog
Listen Pat Benatar and Blondie with The Donnas at Musikfest -- Live blog pronunciation
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Tom Prichard On Hating His Time In WWE With The Body Donnas, If Sunny Hurt Chris Candido's Career
Listen Tom Prichard On Hating His Time In WWE With The Body Donnas, If Sunny Hurt Chris Candido's Career pronunciation
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Aiko reunites with ‘Wildflower’ co-star in ‘Prima Donnas’
Listen Aiko reunites with ‘Wildflower’ co-star in ‘Prima Donnas’ pronunciation
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Brett Anderson Talks Life Since The Donnas, Scoring Commercials, And Shooting TV Pilots That Never Aired
Listen Brett Anderson Talks Life Since The Donnas, Scoring Commercials, And Shooting TV Pilots That Never Aired pronunciation
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Local Heroes Q&A: Hot Donnas
Listen Local Heroes Q&A: Hot Donnas pronunciation
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Translations of Donnas

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Trending news on Donnas

Barry Fugatt: Challenging Gardenias are horticultural prima donnas
Listen Barry Fugatt: Challenging Gardenias are horticultural prima donnas pronunciation
Exaggerations, to be sure. However, I wouldn’t dispute the notion that gardenias are horticultural prima donnas best left to gardeners who enjoy a challenge. Prima donnas (plant or human) ar..View article
Tulsa World Tulsa World
Local Heroes Q&A: Hot Donnas
Listen Local Heroes Q&A: Hot Donnas pronunciation
Making noise and making moves, Hot Donnas are quickly rising through the ranks of the Dunedin music scene. On the back of their first album, Greek Yoghurt, band members Mitch Sizemore, Jake..View article
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Brett Anderson Talks Life Since The Donnas, Scoring Commercials, And Shooting TV Pilots That Never Aired
Listen Brett Anderson Talks Life Since The Donnas, Scoring Commercials, And Shooting TV Pilots That Never Aired pronunciation
The Donnas’ greatest song, “Get Rid Of That Girl” was released two decades ago, and it’s still charming as ever in its ramshackle garage-pop way. In under two minutes these expert Ramone clo..View article
Stereogum Stereogum
Aiko reunites with ‘Wildflower’ co-star in ‘Prima Donnas’
Listen Aiko reunites with ‘Wildflower’ co-star in ‘Prima Donnas’ pronunciation
She returns to the the Kapuso network via the afternoon prime soap titled “Prima Donnas” where she plays the main kontrabida. She is thankful to ABS-CBN for the nine years she spent with the..View article
philstar.com philstar.com
Tom Prichard On Hating His Time In WWE With The Body Donnas, If Sunny Hurt Chris Candido's Career
Listen Tom Prichard On Hating His Time In WWE With The Body Donnas, If Sunny Hurt Chris Candido's Career pronunciation
As a wrestler he was part of the Heavenly Bodies and also one half of the Body Donnas alongside Chris "Skip" Candido. Prichard spoke with WWR Podcast about his time in WWE and if he enjoyed..View article
WrestlingInc.com WrestlingInc.com
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