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Learn how to pronounce Dizzy Gillespie

Dizzy Gillespie

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Phonetic spelling of Dizzy Gillespie

dizzy gillespie
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Dizzy Gille-spie
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Meanings for Dizzy Gillespie

She was an American jazz trumpeter known for her song 'A Night In Tunisia.'
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Synonyms for Dizzy Gillespie

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Quiz on Dizzy Gillespie


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Collections on Dizzy Gillespie

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Wiki content for Dizzy Gillespie

Dizzy Gillespie - John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie (; October 21, 1917 – January 6, 1993) was an American jazz trumpeter, bandleader, composer, and singer.Gillespie was a trumpet virtuoso and improviser, building
Dizzy Gillespie at Newport - Dizzy Gillespie at Newport is a 1957 live album by Dizzy Gillespie, featuring his big band recorded at the 1957 Newport Jazz Festival.
Dizzy Gillespie Meets Phil Woods Quintet - Dizzy Gillespie Meets Phil Woods Quintet is an album by trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie with saxophonist Phil Woods Quintet recorded in 1986 and released on the Dutch Timeless label.
Dizzy Gillespie and the Mitchell Ruff Duo in Concert - Dizzy Gillespie and the Mitchell Ruff Duo in Concert is a live album by trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie and the Mitchell-Ruff Duo recorded at Dartmouth College in 1971 and released on the Mainstrea
Dizzy Gillespie's Big 4 - Dizzy Gillespie's Big 4 (also released as Dizzy's Big 4) is an album by Dizzy Gillespie recorded in 1974 and released on the Pablo label.
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Examples of in a sentence

FT Weekend Quiz: David Bowie, Dizzy Gillespie and ‘The Simpsons’
Listen FT Weekend Quiz: David Bowie, Dizzy Gillespie and ‘The Simpsons’ pronunciation
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Jazzman Dave Douglas finds inspiration in Dizzy Gillespie
Listen Jazzman Dave Douglas finds inspiration in Dizzy Gillespie pronunciation
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Dizzy Gillespie All-Stars part of Albany's jazz fest
Listen Dizzy Gillespie All-Stars part of Albany's jazz fest pronunciation
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Ignacio Berroa, formerly Dizzy Gillespie’s go-to drummer, swings into Seattle
Listen Ignacio Berroa, formerly Dizzy Gillespie’s go-to drummer, swings into Seattle pronunciation
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cultural diplomacy sent “jazz ambassadors” such as Dizzy Gillespie and Louis Armstrong overseas at the height of the Cold War in the 1950s and 1960s
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Translations of Dizzy Gillespie

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Trending news on Dizzy Gillespie

Ignacio Berroa, formerly Dizzy Gillespie’s go-to drummer, swings into Seattle
Listen Ignacio Berroa, formerly Dizzy Gillespie’s go-to drummer, swings into Seattle pronunciation
“I’m a proud Cuban guy who loves to play straight-ahead jazz.” Advertising Berroa was Dizzy Gillespie’s go-to drummer — not a “percussionist” but the drummer who sits behind the band — from..View article
The Seattle Times The Seattle Times
Dizzy Gillespie All-Stars part of Albany's jazz fest
Listen Dizzy Gillespie All-Stars part of Albany's jazz fest pronunciation
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Jazzman Dave Douglas finds inspiration in Dizzy Gillespie
Listen Jazzman Dave Douglas finds inspiration in Dizzy Gillespie pronunciation
Dizzy Gillespie at Zero Gravity. The Zero Gravity is a reference to the great saxophonist and composer Wayne Shorter, who found new ideas looking through older music. “Dizzy Atmosphere” refe..View article
Houston Chronicle Houston Chronicle
FT Weekend Quiz: David Bowie, Dizzy Gillespie and ‘The Simpsons’
Listen FT Weekend Quiz: David Bowie, Dizzy Gillespie and ‘The Simpsons’ pronunciation
Helen Dixon/Alamy Stock Photo The rhytidome is part of what bit of a tree (above)? The jazz musicians Herb Alpert, Chet Baker and Dizzy Gillespie are best-known for playing which instrument?
Financial Times Financial Times

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Dizzy Gillespie pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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