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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : dɪsˈtɪŋgwɪʃ
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Meanings for distinguish

identify as in botany or biology, for example
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distinguished element
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relative distinguished name
Listen relative distinguished name pronunciation
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mark as different
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distinguish colours
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Examples of in a sentence

It is decomposed by heat into the oxide and water, and is soluble in ammonia but not in excess of dilute potassium hydroxide; this latter property serves to distinguish it from zinc hydroxide.
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Suppose a man becomes perfectly unselfish under the personalistic system, how are we to distinguish him from the perfected ones in other systems?
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This, at any rate, is Hobbes's cardinal doctrine in moral psychology, that each man's appetites or desires are naturally directed either to the preservation of his life, or to that heightening of it which he feels as pleasure.2 Hobbes does not distinguish instinctive from deliberate pleasureseeking;
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His modesty distinguishes him form his peers
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Certain peculiarities introduced by St Ambrose distinguish the ritual of Milan from that of the general church.
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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distinguish should be in sentence

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saraa me-shil gel-lar
sha-ra myi-shel geil laar
sa-raa mi-shel geh-luh
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