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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈdɪstənt
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Examples of in a sentence

NASA's Pluto-bound probe sees its distant target
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Brazil’s Amazon mammoth-dam: Broken promises for distant power
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Volcanoes an ever-present, if usually distant danger
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Europe launches mission to study distant planets
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Anthony Ramos Will Lead Upcoming Comedy DISTANT
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distant should be in sentence

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Trending news on distant

Brazil’s Amazon mammoth-dam: Broken promises for distant power
Brazil’s Amazon mammoth-dam: Broken promises for distant power Edizangela Alves Barros believed being forced to relocate to make way for a mammoth dam in Brazil’s Amazon would mean a brighte..View article
Detroit News Detroit News
Astronomers Witness Extremely Powerful Black Hole Outburst in Distant Galaxy Cluster
At greater than 10 54 joules of energy, this is the most powerful black hole outburst observed in a distant galaxy cluster. “Because galaxy clusters are full of gas, early theories about the..View article
Sci-News Sci-News
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds gift fans free streaming of 'Distant Sky' concert on YouTube, this Christmas
In a surprise move, the band decided to make their 2018 concert film, 'Distant Sky — Live in Copenhagen', available for free on YouTube. Directed by David Barnard, the 2-hour 24-minute video..View article
Meaww Meaww
Volcanoes an ever-present, if usually distant danger
The deadly eruption of a volcano in New Zealand’s Bay of Plenty on Monday left six people confirmed dead and dozens of visitors to the island injured. Rescuers were coping with toxic gases a..View article
Winston-Salem Journal Winston-Salem Journal
Europe launches mission to study distant planets
A European telescope designed to help characterize planets orbiting stars far from the Sun launched to space Wednesday. Why it matters: Astronomers are on the hunt for another world like our..View article
Axios Axios
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