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Meanings for dissociation

a state in which some integrated part of a persons life becomes separated from the rest of the personality and functions independently
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(chemistry) the temporary or reversible process in which a molecule or ion is broken down into smaller molecules or ions
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the act of removing from association
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Synonyms for dissociation

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Examples of in a sentence

It was soon discovered that the faculty of inducing dissociation possessed by the current might now be utilized with some hope of pecuniary success, but as electrolytic currents are of lower voltage than those required in electric furnaces, molten alumina again became impossible.
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There must be considerable dissociation of molecules, and as a first approximation it may be taken that of io molecules of most of the components about 9 (or in the case of magnesium sulphate 5) have been separated into their ions, and that it is only during slow concentration as in a natural saline
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But his best known contribution to general chemistry is his work on the phenomena of reversible reactions, which he comprehended under a general theory of dissociation.
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(2) As the concentration of the solutions increases, the ionization as measured electrically and the dissociation as measured osmotically might decrease more or less together, though, since the thermodynamic theory only holds when the solution is so dilute that the dissolved particles are beyond eac
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The operation is essentially a dissociation of alumina into aluminium, which collects at the cathode, and into oxygen, which combines with the anodes to form carbon monoxide, the latter escaping and being burnt to carbon dioxide outside.
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Translations of dissociation

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