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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : dɪˈsɜːnmənt
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Examples of in a sentence

Journeys of discernment
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Peckham's zeal was not tempered by discernment, and he had little gift of sympathy or imagination.
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It allowed the chief to call for the labour of any district, and to employ it in planting, house or canoe-building,supplying food on the occasion of another chief's visit, &c. This power was often used with much discernment; thus an unpopular chief would redeem his character by calling for some cust
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With grammatical precision, antiquarian learning and critical discernment Origen combines the allegorical method of interpretation - the logical corollary of his conception of the inspiration of the Scriptures.
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a man of discernment
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Discernment: Is There an App for That?
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