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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : dɪsəˈfekʃn
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Meanings for disaffection

It is a noun term that means "feeling of being unsatisfied, especially with people in authority or a system of control".
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Examples of in a sentence

After yesterday’s outpouring of disaffection for the government by millions of Ghanaians, I said a prayer for President Mahama
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The group urged the governor to seek votes without intimidating, threatening and causing disaffection among workers in the state
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This appeal to Moslem sentiment was, however, powerless against the disaffection due to perennial misgovernment.
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Governor James Bowdoin in1786-1787put down with clemency an almost bloodless insurrection in the western counties (there was strong disaffection, however, as far east as Middlesex), known as the Shays Rebellion, significant of the rife ideas of popular power, the economic distress, and the unsettled
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In 1752 the plantation was incorporated as a district, and under a general state law of 1775 gained the legal rights of a township. Palmer was a centre of disaffection in the time of the Shays Rebellion.
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