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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : daɪˈægənəlɪ
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Meanings for diagonally

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A geometrical term that refers to a sloping line or a line segment which joins the two points of a polygon or polyhedron.
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Examples of in a sentence

The south-western angle of the continent, bounded by a line drawn diagonally from Jurien river to Cape Riche, has an average of from 30 to 40 in.
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Above the lake), falling with steep cliffs towards the lake, fringes it on the south; a massive, deeply-ravined highland occupies the space between the Irkut and the Angara; the Onot and Baikal ridges (also Primorskiy) run along its northwest shore, striking it diagonally; an Alpine complex of yet u
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Twinned crystals are not common, but the presence of polysynthetic twinning is sometimes shown by fine striations running diagonally or obliquely across the cleavage surfaces.
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The design of the former is a trellis crossing the ceiling diagonally; in each of the lacunae is carved a cherubim with eight wings; the figures and the trellis are gilded; the ground is a rich ultramarine.
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Climb diagonally right to gain the nose of the overhanging prow.
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