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Learn how to pronounce Devendra fadnavis

Devendra fadnavis

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Meanings for Devendra fadnavis

A popular Indian politician who served as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra.
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Devendra Fadnavis to Face Trial Over 2014 Poll-related Cases as SC Junks His Review Plea
Listen Devendra Fadnavis to Face Trial Over 2014 Poll-related Cases as SC Junks His Review Plea pronunciation
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SC rejects plea of Devendra Fadnavis's plea seeking review of 2019 verdict in poll affidavit case
Listen SC rejects plea of Devendra Fadnavis's plea seeking review of 2019 verdict in poll affidavit case pronunciation
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Bombay HC notice to Devendra Fadnavis over Axis Bank account transfer issue
Listen Bombay HC notice to Devendra Fadnavis over Axis Bank account transfer issue pronunciation
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Devendra Fadnavis’ plea rejected by SC; former Maharashtra CM to be tried for election-related cases
Listen Devendra Fadnavis’ plea rejected by SC; former Maharashtra CM to be tried for election-related cases pronunciation
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Devendra Fadnavis' review plea dismissed, to face trial in poll affidavit case
Listen Devendra Fadnavis' review plea dismissed, to face trial in poll affidavit case pronunciation
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Trending news on Devendra fadnavis

Devendra Fadnavis to Face Trial Over 2014 Poll-related Cases as SC Junks His Review Plea
Listen Devendra Fadnavis to Face Trial Over 2014 Poll-related Cases as SC Junks His Review Plea pronunciation
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and former Maharashtra chief minister will face trial over poll-related cases, as the Supreme Court junked his review plea on Tuesday. Accordin..View article
India.com India.com
SC rejects plea of Devendra Fadnavis's plea seeking review of 2019 verdict in poll affidavit case
Listen SC rejects plea of Devendra Fadnavis's plea seeking review of 2019 verdict in poll affidavit case pronunciation
In a setback to former Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis, the Supreme Court has dismissed his plea seeking review of its last year's verdict asking him to face trial for allegedly..View article
image-unavailable The Free Press Journal
Bombay HC notice to Devendra Fadnavis over Axis Bank account transfer issue
Listen Bombay HC notice to Devendra Fadnavis over Axis Bank account transfer issue pronunciation
The Bombay High Court here on March 5 sought BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis's response to a petition questioning the transfer of salary accounts of the police department to Axis Bank, a privat..View article
moneycontrol.com moneycontrol.com
Devendra Fadnavis’ plea rejected by SC; former Maharashtra CM to be tried for election-related cases
Listen Devendra Fadnavis’ plea rejected by SC; former Maharashtra CM to be tried for election-related cases pronunciation
The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected the petition filed by the former Chief Minister of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis. He had filed the petition to seek a review of SC’s earlier order under..View article
Business Line Business Line
Devendra Fadnavis' review plea dismissed, to face trial in poll affidavit case
Listen Devendra Fadnavis' review plea dismissed, to face trial in poll affidavit case pronunciation
New Delhi: In a setback to former Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis, the Supreme Court has dismissed his plea seeking review of its last year's verdict asking him to face trial fo..View article
image-unavailable Manorama Online
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