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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : dɪˈtɜː
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    Video Pronunciation of deter in English

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    Meanings for deter

    To prevent or discourage someone from doing things by making them nervous or doubt themselves.
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    Learn more about the word "deter" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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    Examples of in a sentence

    Break-in at Santa’s Last Stop does not deter East End Volunteers
    54 ratings rating ratings
    Trump administration opposes bill meant to deter Russia
    50 ratings rating ratings
    Censure isn't enough to deter Trump -- John Costello
    46 ratings rating ratings
    New F-16Vs to deter Chinese from east: experts
    42 ratings rating ratings
    Trump SALT cap veto threat doesn't deter Democrats
    39 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of deter

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    Trending news on deter

    Australian government created fake, negative horoscopes to deter Sri Lankan asylum-seekers
    Australia's Department of Home Affairs created fake, negative horoscopes with the hope it would deter Sri Lankan asylum-seekers from trying to enter Australia, according to a report. The hor..View article
    Fox News Fox News
    Censure isn't enough to deter Trump -- John Costello
    In its editorial last Sunday, "Trust voters to end sad Trump era," the Wisconsin State Journal editorial board opines that House Democrats would be wise to forgo impeaching President Donald..View article
    Madison.com Madison.com
    New F-16Vs to deter Chinese from east: experts
    Taipei, Dec. 22 (CNA) The upcoming addition of 66 F-16 C/D Block 70 fighter jets, commonly known as the F-16Vs, to Taiwan's air force, will be posted in eastern Taiwan to boost the military'..View article
    GlobalSecurity.org GlobalSecurity.org
    Trump SALT cap veto threat doesn't deter Democrats
    The House of Representatives is expected to move ahead with a vote on Thursday to pass a bill that would overturn the $10,000 cap on state and local tax deductions, despite President Trump's..View article
    A concerned resident is giving away hundreds of key chain alarms to deter purse snatchers
    HONOLULU, Hawaii (HawaiiNewsNow) -An Oahu man fed up with the recent purse snatching is doing what he can to help deter criminals by handing out a small gadget. Alan Hakoda is giving away 55..View article
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