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IPA : dɪsˈpæʧ
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Examples of in a sentence

it was done with dispatch
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Louis, $2,000,000; the Missouri athletic club, $500,000; the Railway Exchange, $3,000,000, 18 storeys, covering an entire city block; the University club, $600,- 000; the Young Women's Christian Association, $500,000; the Boatmen's bank, $750,000; the Arcade, $1,250,000; the Post-Despatch building,
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De Quiros returned to Spain to re-engage in the work of petitioning the king to despatch an expedition for the purpose of prosecuting the discovery of the Terra Australis.
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The British government were on the point of demanding reparation for this act in a peremptory manner which could hardly have meant anything but war, but Prince Albert insisted on revising Lord Russell's despatch in a way which gave the American government an opportunity to concede the surrender of t
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Notified his accession to the Prussian government in a courteous despatch; the interchange of letters was followed by a confidential discussion between Bismarc-k and Cardinal Franchi at Kissingen during the summer of 1878.
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Trending news on despatch

LTTE: despatch rider's case transferred to high court
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 17 -- The case of the despatch rider who is facing two counts of supporting and possessing of items related to terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has b..View article
bernama.com bernama.com
Ex-despatch clerk convicted of drug trafficking escapes death due to oversight
PUTRAJAYA: A former despatch clerk convicted of trafficking 43.4kg of cannabis escaped the gallows today on technical grounds following an appeal. This is because the trial court in Kuala Lu..View article
Despatch gives Pannell maiden Group One
The Tony McEvoy-trained Despatch has claimed a local victory and given jockey Todd Pannell a first Group One win in Adelaide's showcase sprint, The Goodwood, at Morphettville. Saturday's 120..View article
image-unavailable Yahoo7 Sport
Tony McEvoy throws Despatch and Oohood in deep end for early shot at Group 1 glory
Tony McEvoy has whipped Despatch into shape and will enter Saturday’s Memsie Stakes with a strong hand. The five-year-old joins stablemate Oohood in Melbourne’s first Group 1 race of the sea..View article
image-unavailable heraldsun.com.au
Critics thought Boris Johnson would falter at despatch box - they were wrong
In many ways, Thursday showcased what Johnson is good at. Many MPs have at times whispered the former mayor of London might not cut it at the despatch box. In a two-and-a-half hour opening C..View article
image-unavailable Sky News
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