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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : desəˈleɪʃn
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Examples of in a sentence

From the head of Glen Derry, with its blasted trees, the picture of desolation, it becomes more toilsome, but is partly repaid by the view of the remarkable columnar cliffs of Corrie Etchachan.
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By this time the duchy had increased considerably in extent, but petty wars with the other Saxon princes combined with the extravagance of the court and the desolation caused by the Seven Years' War to plunge it into distress and bankruptcy.
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West of the Narenta, their flanks are in places covered with forests of beech and pine, but north-east of that river they present for the most part a scene of barren desolation.
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Oscar Pistorius breaks silence with Twitter posts about utter desolation
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'The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug' extended edition release date announced
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