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Pronunciation of desolate with 4 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈdesələt
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Phonetic spelling of desolate

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Meanings for desolate

leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch
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desolate landscape
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devastate or ravage
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Wiki content for desolate

Examples of in a sentence

Watch Skateboarders Ride Through Desolate LA Streets And Freeways
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AP PHOTOS: Oil fuels building boom in once desolate North Dakota oil patch
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UFOs, Mars, and the desolate place called Moon: 5 interesting things Buzz ...
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The Desolate Visions of Andy Warhol
Listen The Desolate Visions of Andy Warhol pronunciation
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Paint for Peace 505 restores beauty in a desolate downtown
Listen Paint for Peace 505 restores beauty in a desolate downtown pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on desolate

patten roams a desolate digital landscape in ‘Soft Power’
Listen patten roams a desolate digital landscape in ‘Soft Power’ pronunciation
patten soundtracks a lurching flight around a desolate digital landscape in the video for his atmospheric new track, ‘Soft Power’. The new track is taken from GLOW, the London producer’s ...
Fact Fact
Migrant exodus leaves Paippad desolate
Listen Migrant exodus leaves Paippad desolate pronunciation
Nearly three months after the infamous migrant labour protest, Paippad- a sleepy village on the outskirts of Kottayam and Pathanamthitta districts, wears a desolate look these days. The vill..View article
The Hindu The Hindu
Visakhapatnam: Once busy KGH now wears a desolate look
Listen Visakhapatnam: Once busy KGH now wears a desolate look pronunciation
The hospital that normally caters to scores of patients from North Andhra districts and neighbouring States, including Odisha and Chhattisgarh, now wears a desolate look.
image-unavailable The Hans India
32 photos show how Spain's normally epic running of the bulls is desolate this year due to the coronavirus
Listen 32 photos show how Spain's normally epic running of the bulls is desolate this year due to the coronavirus pronunciation
For eight days of the year, the cobbled streets of Pamplona, Spain, become a raucous frenzy of drinking, dancing, and running from bulls.
Business Insider Australia on MSN.com Business Insider Australia on MSN.com
The loneliest, most desolate path that any parent is forced to take
Listen The loneliest, most desolate path that any parent is forced to take pronunciation
Noah and Fiona. Fiona and Noah. The love and joy just jumps out of every photograph of this mother and son. She told him that he would change the world, and she believed it. A handful of day..View article
Belfast Telegraph Belfast Telegraph
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