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Phonetic spelling of Desautels

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Meanings for Desautels

A surname that is of French origin and means helper.
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Wiki content for Desautels

Desautels - Desautels is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Desautels Faculty of Management - The Desautels Faculty of Management is a faculty of McGill University. The faculty offers a range of undergraduate and graduate-level business programs including the Bachelor of Commerce, Mas

Examples of in a sentence

McGill Desautels Faculty of Management in Collaboration with RBC Future Launch and The Globe and Mail Launch National Personal Finance Course
Listen McGill Desautels Faculty of Management in Collaboration with RBC Future Launch and The Globe and Mail Launch National Personal Finance Course pronunciation
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Transgender representation is central for Ellie Desautels, star of "Orange Julius," opening at CSPS
Listen Transgender representation is central for Ellie Desautels, star of "Orange Julius," opening at CSPS pronunciation
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Robert C. Desautels
Listen Robert C. Desautels pronunciation
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Colleges: Assumption's Brendan Desautels honored by Northeast-10
Listen Colleges: Assumption's Brendan Desautels honored by Northeast-10 pronunciation
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Translations of Desautels

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Trending news on Desautels

Colleges: Assumption's Brendan Desautels honored by Northeast-10
Listen Colleges: Assumption's Brendan Desautels honored by Northeast-10 pronunciation
Assumption junior baseball player Brendan Desautels of Holden has been selected as co-chair of the Northeast-10 Conference Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC). In the position, Desaute..View article
Telegram Telegram
Robert C. Desautels
Listen Robert C. Desautels pronunciation
Robert C. Desautels RUTLAND — Robert C. Desautels, 79, died Nov. 12, 2019, at his home. A full obituary will be published at a later date. Arrangements are by Tossing Funeral Home.
image-unavailable Rutland Herald
Transgender representation is central for Ellie Desautels, star of "Orange Julius," opening at CSPS
Listen Transgender representation is central for Ellie Desautels, star of "Orange Julius," opening at CSPS pronunciation
Ellie Desautels remembers the first time they saw a transgender person on television. It was a moment of awakening of sorts, they said, as they suddenly had a definition for things they were..View article
The Gazette The Gazette
McGill Desautels Faculty of Management in Collaboration with RBC Future Launch and The Globe and Mail Launch National Personal Finance Course
Listen McGill Desautels Faculty of Management in Collaboration with RBC Future Launch and The Globe and Mail Launch National Personal Finance Course pronunciation
The McGill Personal Finance Essentials course is divided into eight 15 to 25-minute learning modules, each taught by a McGill Desautels faculty member. The entire course may be viewed in app..View article
image-unavailable Yahoo Finance

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