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    Meanings for Derren

    Derren Brown is an Illusionist and an author known for his books Tricks of the Mind, Happy, etc.
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    Wiki content for Derren

    Derren - Derren is a masculine given name. It is a variant of Darren. It may refer to:
    Derren Brown - Derren Brown (born 27 February 1971) is an English mentalist, illusionist, and author. Since his television debut with Derren Brown: Mind Control in 2000, Brown has produced several other sho
    Derren Nesbitt - Derren Nesbitt (born Derren Michael Horwitz; 19 June 1935) is an English actor. Nesbitt's film career began in the late 1950s and he also appeared in numerous TV series in the late 1960s into
    Derren Brown: The Events - Derren Brown: The Events is a Channel 4 television series featuring the illusionist Derren Brown. Filmed in front of a live studio audience, this series is made up of four one-hour specials,
    Derren Litten - Derren Ronald Litten (born 21 December 1970) is an English comedy writer and actor. He is best known as the creator and writer of the award-winning sitcom Benidorm.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Derren Brown Broadway and Theatre Credits
    Listen Derren Brown Broadway and Theatre Credits pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Derren Brown needs someone to take part in a new 'fun' TV project: How to apply
    Listen Derren Brown needs someone to take part in a new 'fun' TV project: How to apply pronunciation
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    Derren Brown - page 2
    Listen Derren Brown - page 2 pronunciation
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    Derren Brown
    Listen Derren Brown pronunciation
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    Illusionist Derren Brown Reads Seth’s Mind
    Listen Illusionist Derren Brown Reads Seth’s Mind pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
    Listen :word pronunciation {{phrase.phrase}}
    {{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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    Translations of Derren

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    Trending news on Derren

    Derren Brown: 20 Years of Mind Control: Live
    Listen Derren Brown: 20 Years of Mind Control: Live pronunciation
    The illusionist performs his latest psychological trick live, and also revisits some of the most memorable moments of his 20 years of making programmes for Channel 4. He reveals how he has u..View article
    image-unavailable entertainment.ie
    Derren Brown: Showman - West End
    Listen Derren Brown: Showman - West End pronunciation
    Showman in the West End in London in 2019. Save money and get the best seats with West End Derren Brown: Showman tickets here. Last minute or in advance!
    image-unavailable Stage Chat
    Dr. Derren E. Tippets
    Listen Dr. Derren E. Tippets pronunciation
    Dr. Derren E. Tippets is a pediatric dentist in Montrose, Colorado. He provides advice on proper brushing, flossing, cleaning, healthy gums and other dental care for children. It's ideal to..View article
    image-unavailable U.S. News & World Report
    Watch Derren Brown: Sacrifice
    Listen Watch Derren Brown: Sacrifice pronunciation
    Illusionist Derren Brown concocts a psychological experiment in which he tries to manipulate an ordinary person into taking a bullet for a stranger. Derren Brown: Sacrifice is an TV Movie, D..View article
    image-unavailable Yidio
    Watch Derren Brown: The Push
    Listen Watch Derren Brown: The Push pronunciation
    Mentalist Derren Brown engineers an audacious social experiment demonstrating how manipulation can lead an ordinary person to commit an appalling act. Derren Brown: The Push is an Documentar..View article
    image-unavailable Yidio
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