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Pronunciation of democratic with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : deməˈkrætɪk
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Phonetic spelling of democratic

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Meanings for democratic

more democratic
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A political party in the United States that was established in the year 1828.
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Synonyms for democratic

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Antonyms for democratic

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Examples of in a sentence

Watch Live: Night 4 of the Democratic National Convention
Listen Watch Live: Night 4 of the Democratic National Convention pronunciation
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The nine biggest Democratic National Convention moments that got everyone talking
Listen The nine biggest Democratic National Convention moments that got everyone talking pronunciation
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Biden accepts Democratic presidential nomination, vowing to unite the country
Listen Biden accepts Democratic presidential nomination, vowing to unite the country pronunciation
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Joe Biden Accepts Democratic Nomination: ‘I Will Draw on the Best of Us’
Listen Joe Biden Accepts Democratic Nomination: ‘I Will Draw on the Best of Us’ pronunciation
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DNC chair Perez calls Bloomberg 'important part' of Democratic Party after criticism of speaking slot, staffer lawsuits
Listen DNC chair Perez calls Bloomberg 'important part' of Democratic Party after criticism of speaking slot, staffer lawsuits pronunciation
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Translations of democratic

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Trending news on democratic

Political strategists weigh in on the Democratic convention
Listen Political strategists weigh in on the Democratic convention pronunciation
Michael Starr Hopkins, a political strategist and founder of Northern Starr Strategies, said on Hill TV’s “Rising” Friday that although he thought the Democratic National Convention this wee..View article
The Hill The Hill
Democratic convention closing night draws event's biggest TV audience
Listen Democratic convention closing night draws event's biggest TV audience pronunciation
The closing night of the virtual Democratic National Convention attracted roughly 24.6 million primetime television viewers, the largest audience of the week, according to data from the Niel..View article
Reuters Reuters
‘Pure, unvarnished, courage’: A 13-year-old ‘regular kid’ with a stutter gave a must-watch Democratic convention speech
Listen ‘Pure, unvarnished, courage’: A 13-year-old ‘regular kid’ with a stutter gave a must-watch Democratic convention speech pronunciation
On a night when Joe Biden accepted the Democratic nomination and a parade of notables offered their visions for America, Brayden Harrington’s two-minute speech may have had the most visceral..View article
Washington Post Washington Post
Tom Del Beccaro: Democratic unity is a myth — don’t believe it
Listen Tom Del Beccaro: Democratic unity is a myth — don’t believe it pronunciation
The Democratic National Convention was supposed to showcase the Democrats’ unity heading into the November election. The plain truth, however, is that the Democratic Party remains seriously..View article
Fox News Fox News
Outgoing Democratic chairman faces time crunch with Pompeo probe
Listen Outgoing Democratic chairman faces time crunch with Pompeo probe pronunciation
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are in a standoff that’s certain to end, one way or another, before the end of the year.
The Hill The Hill
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