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Meanings for deliquescent

This term refers to the state of changing into a liquid
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Synonyms for deliquescent

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Antonyms for deliquescent

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Examples of in a sentence

Besides these there are numerous other black-gilled species which find a place in baskets - some species far too small to bear any resemblance to a mushroom, others large and deliquescent, generally belonging to the stumpand dung-borne genus Coprinus.
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Caesium hydroxide, Cs(OH) 2, obtained by the decomposition of the sulphate with baryta water,is a greyish-white deliquescent solid,which melts at a red heat and absorbs carbon dioxide rapidly.
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The mushroom is a semi-deliquescent fungus which rapidly falls into putridity in decay, whilst the champignon dries up into a leathery substance in the sun, but speedily revives and takes its original form again after the first shower.
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Cadmium nitrate, Cd(N03)2.4H20, is a deliquescent salt, which may be obtained by dissolving either the metal, or its oxide or carbonate in dilute nitric acid.
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It was found advantageous not to work for acid but for a basic calcium nitrate (normal calcium nitrate being very deliquescent); for this purpose the acid is treated with the requisite amount of milk of lime.
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