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Learn how to pronounce deez nuts

deez nuts

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Pronunciation of deez nuts with 23 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of deez nuts

deez nuts
16 ratings rating ratings
deeeeeeeeeeeeez nuuhtsss
7 ratings rating ratings
dëz nuhts
0 rating rating ratings
0 rating rating ratings
dheez nhuts you have to do like DH eez NH uts
-7 rating rating ratings

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Meanings for deez nuts

This Australian punk band is known for the song "Face This On My Own".
6 ratings rating ratings
A meme.(Pronounced MEE M)
-6 rating rating ratings

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Quiz on deez nuts


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Collections on deez nuts

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Examples of in a sentence

Deez Nuts
1 rating rating ratings
TikTokers can't get over app's new text-to-speech voice saying 'deez nuts'
Listen TikTokers can't get over app's new text-to-speech voice saying 'deez nuts' pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
6th grader pens beautiful apology for ‘Deez Nuts’ 911 call
Listen 6th grader pens beautiful apology for ‘Deez Nuts’ 911 call pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Newscaster has to actually say ‘Deez Nuts’ when discussing new poll
Listen Newscaster has to actually say ‘Deez Nuts’ when discussing new poll pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Garbrandt thanks fans, tells Jake Paul to ‘roller coast deez nuts’
Listen Garbrandt thanks fans, tells Jake Paul to ‘roller coast deez nuts’ pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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deez nuts should be in sentence

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Translations of deez nuts

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Trending news on deez nuts

'Deez Nuts' for President
Listen 'Deez Nuts' for President pronunciation
A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on o..View article
image-unavailable News.com.au
Warren G endorses Deez Nuts
Listen Warren G endorses Deez Nuts pronunciation
Rapper Warren G -- the originator of the ‘Deez Nuts’ skit on the iconic Dr. Dre album ‘The Chronic’ -- talks with Craig Melvin about the 15-year-old presidential candidate topping recent ...
image-unavailable MSNBC
"Deez Nuts" gaining momentum in presidential race
Listen "Deez Nuts" gaining momentum in presidential race pronunciation
A candidate named "Deez Nuts" has seen a lot of support after releasing his policy platform for the 2016 presidential race. CBSN's Contessa Brewer explains why he might be too young for the..View article
image-unavailable CBS News
Game show host loses it when final answer to multi-choice question turns out to be 'Deez Nuts'
Listen Game show host loses it when final answer to multi-choice question turns out to be 'Deez Nuts' pronunciation
It was the multiple choice options of "Doz Balls", "Deez Nuts" and "Dem Plums" for the answer that had Bradley Walsh on the verge of death from laughter. Walsh said, "oh goodness me, it's go..View article
image-unavailable TVNZ 1
Garbrandt thanks fans, tells Jake Paul to ‘roller coast deez nuts’
Listen Garbrandt thanks fans, tells Jake Paul to ‘roller coast deez nuts’ pronunciation
Saturday night didn’t go as planned for Cody Garbrandt. The former UFC bantamweight champion stepped into the cage for the first time in almost a year, off of a long and difficult bout with..View article
image-unavailable MSN
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{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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