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Phonetic spelling of deductions

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Meanings for deductions

It is a term that belongs to the category of noun, which means a tax incentive.
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Examples of in a sentence

Generally, unless specifically provided else­where by the Final Regulations, only properly allocable deductions contained in Reg
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12 Expenses That Aren't Tax Deductions For Most Taxpayers
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Much of the Principia consists of synthetical deductions from definitions and axioms. But the discovery of the centripetal force of the planets to the sun is an analytic deduction from the facts of their motion discovered by Kepler to their real ground, and is so stated by Newton in the first regres
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The bonds are secured on the surplus of the revenues assigned to the guarantee of the Anatolian railway collected by the Public Debt Administration, on the excess revenue, after certain deductions, accruing to the government under the Annex-Decree to the Decree of Muharrem above described, on th
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But he was no merely destructive critic. He was determined to find a solid foundation for both morality and law, and to raise upon it an edifice, no stone of which should be laid except in accordance with the deductions of the severest logic. This foundation is the greatest happiness of the greates
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deductions should be in sentence

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Translations of deductions

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