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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : dekləˈnɪeɪʃn
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Phonetic spelling of declamation

dek-luh-mey-shuh n

Meanings for declamation

It is a term that belongs to the category of noun, which means a formal speech.

Synonyms for declamation

Learn more about the word "declamation" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

Examples of in a sentence

We find now only imitative echoes of the old music created by Virgil and others, as in Statius, or powerful declamation, as in Lucan and Juvenal.
The latter part of the essay is remarkable for its fervid presentment of the charms of scenery and for vigorous declamation against the follies and a crimes of ambitious men.
To appreciate them we must take them for what they are, pieces of declamation, intended either to enliven the course of the narrative, to place vividly before the reader the feelings and aims of the chief actors, or more frequently still to enforce some lesson which the author himself has at heart.
For the stately declamation, the sonorous, and beyond a doubt impressive, chant of Quin and his fellows, Garrick substituted rapid changes of passion and humour in both voice and gesture, which held his audiences spellbound.
Accomplished men of letters, such as Julius Vestinus and Aelius Dionysius, selected from his writings choice passages for declamation or perusal, of which fragments are incorporated in the miscellany of Photius and the lexicons of Harpocration, Pollux and Suidas.

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