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Death Valley

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Phonetic spelling of Death Valley

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Meanings for Death Valley

a desert area in eastern California and southern Nevada; the lowest point in North America
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Synonyms for Death Valley

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Quiz on Death Valley


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Wiki content for Death Valley

Death Valley - Death Valley is a desert valley located in Eastern California, in the northern Mojave Desert bordering the Great Basin Desert.
Death Valley National Park - Death Valley National Park is an American national park that straddles the California—Nevada border, east of the Sierra Nevada.
Death Valley Days - Death Valley Days is an American old-time radio and television anthology series featuring true accounts of the American Old West, particularly the Death Valley country of southeastern Califor
Death Valley pupfish - The Death Valley pupfish (Cyprinodon salinus), also known as Salt Creek pupfish, is a small species of fish in the family Cyprinodontidae found only in Death Valley National Park, California,
Death Valley (TV series) - Death Valley is a horror black comedy mockumentary television series broadcast on MTV. The series premiered on August 29, 2011. The series follows the Undead Task Force (UTF), a newly formed
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Examples of in a sentence

High-Tech Sleuthing Cracks Mystery of Death Valley's Moving Rocks
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Mystery of how rocks move across Death Valley lake bed solved
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At any rate it may be said that generally speaking the maximum, minimum and mean temperatures of points of approximately equal altitude are respectively but slightly different in northern or southern California.2 Death Valley surpasses for combined heat and aridity any meteorological stations on ear
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Southward the altitude falls, Death valley and Coahuila valley being in part below the level of the sea.
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Death Valley was cooler than Missoula, Montana on Sunday
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Translations of Death Valley

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