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Wiki content for Darren

Darren - Darren is a masculine given name of uncertain etymological origins. Some theories state that it originated from an Anglicisation of the Irish first name Darragh or Dáire, meaning "Oak Tree".
Darren Till - Darren Till (born 24 December 1992) is an English mixed martial artist and former Muay Thai kickboxer, currently competing in the Middleweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
Darren Criss - Darren Everett Criss (born February 5, 1987) is an American actor, singer and songwriter. He received Emmy and Golden Globe acting awards for his leading role in The Assassination of Gianni V
Darren Aronofsky - Darren Aronofsky (born February 12, 1969) is an American filmmaker and screenwriter, who is noted for his surreal, melodramatic, and often disturbing films.
Darren Sproles - Darren Lee Sproles (born June 20, 1983) is an American football running back and return specialist for the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League (NFL).
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Examples of in a sentence

Kent all-rounder Darren Stevens the Most Valuable Player
177 ratings rating ratings
Aston Villa's Darren Bent, Joe Cole and Fabian Delph meet boxing legend ...
165 ratings rating ratings
Darren Robb defies agony of terminal cancer to sail around Ireland
152 ratings rating ratings
Playwright Darren Michael benefits from short
139 ratings rating ratings
Block contestants Darren and Deanne Jolly facing backlash over 'favouritism ...
127 ratings rating ratings
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Trending news on Darren

Inside the Raiders: Good cause, bad judgment as players eschew masks at Darren Waller fundraiser
Listen Inside the Raiders: Good cause, bad judgment as players eschew masks at Darren Waller fundraiser pronunciation
A fundraiser Monday night on behalf of the Darren Waller Foundation was the Raiders’ third and the most serious known breach of policy in that it took risk outside the cocoon of their own fa..View article
East Bay Times East Bay Times
Josh Jacobs, Darren Waller are expected to play Sunday
Listen Josh Jacobs, Darren Waller are expected to play Sunday pronunciation
The Patriots have spent time coming up with answers for Raiders tight end Darren Waller this week and it looks like that work won't be in vain. Waller was listed as questionable for Sunday's..View article
How Patriots Neutralized Darren Waller In Week 3 36-20 Win Over Raiders
Listen How Patriots Neutralized Darren Waller In Week 3 36-20 Win Over Raiders pronunciation
The New England Patriots don't have a 100 percent success rate, but they'll do everything in their power to neutralize the opposition's top weapon.
Patriots-Raiders inactives: Darren Waller in, Jarrett Stidham out again in Week 3
Listen Patriots-Raiders inactives: Darren Waller in, Jarrett Stidham out again in Week 3 pronunciation
The Las Vegas Raiders' two most potent offensive weapons indeed will play against the New England Patriots on Sunday. Raiders tight end Darren Waller and running back Josh Jacobs officially..View article
NBC Sports NBC Sports
Raiders HC Jon Gruden disagrees Patriots took Darren Waller out of game 'We had Waller open'
Listen Raiders HC Jon Gruden disagrees Patriots took Darren Waller out of game 'We had Waller open' pronunciation
Over the first two games of this season, Darren Waller had the second most catches in the league (18) and led all tight ends in targets (24). And yet through two quarters against the Patriot..View article
USA Today USA Today
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