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    Wiki content for Darlene

    Darlene - Darlene may refer to:
    Darlene Love - Darlene Wright (born July 26, 1941), known by her stage name, Darlene Love, is an American popular music singer and actress.
    Darlene Zschech - Darlene Joyce Zschech (; née Steinhardt on 8 September 1965) is an Australian Pentecostal Christian worship leader and singer-songwriter who primarily writes praise and worship songs.
    Darlene Ka-Mook Nichols - Darlene Nichols, also known by the names Kamook, Ka-Mook, Kamook Nichols and Ka-Mook Nichols, is the name of a former AIM member and Native American protester.
    Darlene Cates - Darlene Cates (born Rita Darlene Guthrie; December 13, 1947 – March 26, 2017) was an American actress.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    When Johnny Messina, 59, was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, in February 2013, he knew that he and his wife, Darlene Messina, would soon face some of life's most difficult challenges and struggles
    223 ratings rating ratings
    Sharon Darlene Hayes
    207 ratings rating ratings
    Fall in LOVE FOR THE HOLIDAYS With Darlene Love At Kean Stage
    Listen Fall in LOVE FOR THE HOLIDAYS With Darlene Love At Kean Stage pronunciation
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    Darlene Love snubbed by Christmas in Rockefeller Center producers
    Listen Darlene Love snubbed by Christmas in Rockefeller Center producers pronunciation
    160 ratings rating ratings
    Rock Hall of Famer Darlene Love Returns to Ridgefield Playhouse
    Listen Rock Hall of Famer Darlene Love Returns to Ridgefield Playhouse pronunciation
    128 ratings rating ratings
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    Trending news on Darlene

    Teresa Darlene Bradley
    Listen Teresa Darlene Bradley pronunciation
    Teresa Darlene Bradley, 56, of Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, passed away on Sunday, August 29, 2021. She was born on July 19, 1965, in Chattanooga. Teresa was a loving and dedicated wife, mother..View article
    image-unavailable Chattanoogan.com
    Bradley, Teresa Darlene
    Listen Bradley, Teresa Darlene pronunciation
    Teresa Darlene Bradley, 56, of Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, passed away on . She was born on July 19, 1965, in Chattanooga. Teresa was a loving and dedicated wife, mother, and grandmother. She..View article
    Chattanoogan.com Chattanoogan.com
    Darlene Rae Gibbs-Hettwer
    Listen Darlene Rae Gibbs-Hettwer pronunciation
    Evansville, Ind. - Darlene Rae Gibbs-Hettwer, 65, of Evansville, Indiana, passed away on Thursday, August 26, 2021 at Deaconess Gateway Hospital. Darlene was born in Evansville, Indiana on ...View article
    image-unavailable Evansville Courier & Press
    Darlene Loraine Irvin Johnson
    Listen Darlene Loraine Irvin Johnson pronunciation
    Darlene Loraine Irvin Johnson was born October 16, 1933 to Lois Burnham Irvin and Joseph Hazen lrvin in Farmington, San Juan, New Mexico. She grew up in Kirtland, New Mexico then on the ranc..View article
    image-unavailable Farmington Daily Times
    Donna Darlene Walker
    Listen Donna Darlene Walker pronunciation
    Donna Darlene Walker, 72 years of age, passed away on Monday, August 23, 2021, at Sentara Princess Anne Hospital in Virginia Beach, Virginia. She is proceeded in death by her mother, Geraldi..View article
    image-unavailable The Florida Times-Union
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