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Learn how to pronounce Dani Olmo

Dani Olmo

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Pronunciation of Dani Olmo with 2 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Dani Olmo

Dani Olmo is a professional Spanish football player who plays for the Spain national football team as a midfielder.
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Wiki content for Dani Olmo

Examples of in a sentence

RB Leipzig midfielder Dani Olmo quizzed directly about Barcelona, Man City rumours
Listen RB Leipzig midfielder Dani Olmo quizzed directly about Barcelona, Man City rumours pronunciation
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Report: Bayern Munich wants RB Leipzig’s Dani Olmo
Listen Report: Bayern Munich wants RB Leipzig’s Dani Olmo pronunciation
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Dani Olmo inspires best of Spain as false nine but Italy prevail on penalties in Euro 2020 semi-final
Listen Dani Olmo inspires best of Spain as false nine but Italy prevail on penalties in Euro 2020 semi-final pronunciation
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Euro 2020: RB Leipzig's Dani Olmo is Spain's key to unlocking Italy
Listen Euro 2020: RB Leipzig's Dani Olmo is Spain's key to unlocking Italy pronunciation
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Milan, Dani Olmo is closer to Man United: here's why...
Listen Milan, Dani Olmo is closer to Man United: here's why... pronunciation
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Trending news on Dani Olmo

Dani Olmo, Max Kruse and the 5 Bundesliga players to watch at the 2020 Olympic Games
Listen Dani Olmo, Max Kruse and the 5 Bundesliga players to watch at the 2020 Olympic Games pronunciation
Dani Olmo, Max Kruse, Matheus Cunha, Wataru Endo and Lucas Tousart are just five of the 24 Bundesliga players who will again be on show this summer at the rescheduled 2020 Tokyo Olympic Game..View article
image-unavailable Bundesliga
With Pedri, Dani Olmo, Spain Maintains Bright Future After Euro 2020 Exit
Listen With Pedri, Dani Olmo, Spain Maintains Bright Future After Euro 2020 Exit pronunciation
MADRID (AP) — Losing big matches inevitably leads to questions about the future. With Pedri González, Spain already seems to have the answer. Still only 18, Pedri was the man in the middle a..View article
image-unavailable Sports Illustrated
Milan, Dani Olmo is closer to Man United: here's why...
Listen Milan, Dani Olmo is closer to Man United: here's why... pronunciation
Dani Olmo recently won the U-21 Euro Championships with Spain as his future won't likely be in the Serie A. AC Milan have had interest in him but according to Milannews.it, Man United now se..View article
image-unavailable CalcioMercato
Report: Bayern Munich wants RB Leipzig’s Dani Olmo
Listen Report: Bayern Munich wants RB Leipzig’s Dani Olmo pronunciation
RB Leipzig star Dani Olmo opened up some eyes globally with his play for Spain in the European Championships, but Bundesliga fans were already well aware of the talent that the 23-year-old h..View article
Bavarian Football Works Bavarian Football Works
RB Leipzig midfielder Dani Olmo quizzed directly about Barcelona, Man City rumours
Listen RB Leipzig midfielder Dani Olmo quizzed directly about Barcelona, Man City rumours pronunciation
RB Leipzig midfielder Dani Olmo insists he's not obsessing over transfer interest this summer. The Spain international was asked directly about rumours linking him with "Juventus, Barcelona,..View article
Onefootball Onefootball

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