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    Meanings for Damasus

    A unisex name that is of Roman origin.
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    Wiki content for Damasus

    Examples of in a sentence

    Stella Damasus: I was molested at age eight
    Listen Stella Damasus: I was molested at age eight pronunciation
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    I was sexually molested when I was 8years– Stella Damasus reveals
    Listen I was sexually molested when I was 8years– Stella Damasus reveals pronunciation
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    In a grave in the apse was found a large fragment of an inscription, composed by Pope Damasus, but set up by his successor Siricius, which, from the note-book of a Salzburg pilgrim of the 8th century, can be completed thus: - Militiae nomen dederant saevum Officium pariter spectantes juss Praeceptis
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    To this rich collection the author, who assumes the name of Isidore, the saintly bishop of Seville, added a good number of apocryphal documents already existing, as well as a series of letters ascribed to the popes of the earliest centuries, from Clement to Silvester and Damasus inclusive, thus fill
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    At the time of the banishment of Pope Liberius (355), the deacon Damasus, like all the Roman clergy, made energetic protest.
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    Trending news on Damasus

    I Was Sexually Molested – Stella Damasus
    Listen I Was Sexually Molested – Stella Damasus pronunciation
    Stella Damasus Veteran Nollywood actress, Stella Damasus, has revealed she was sexually molested when she was eight years old.The actress made this known during an Instagram live session, ad..View article
    Daily Guide Ghana on MSN.com Daily Guide Ghana on MSN.com
    Stella Damasus: I was molested at age eight
    Listen Stella Damasus: I was molested at age eight pronunciation
    Veteran Nollywood actress, Stella Damasus has revealed how she was molested at eight years old. In a live session with Bouqui and monitored by The Nation, The ‘Widow’ star narrated how she w..View article
    image-unavailable The Nation Newspaper
    I was sexually molested when I was 8years– Stella Damasus reveals
    Listen I was sexually molested when I was 8years– Stella Damasus reveals pronunciation
    Veteran Nollywood actress, Stella Damasus, has revealed that she was sexually molested when she was eight years old.
    Modernghana.com Modernghana.com

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