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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈdiːmən
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    Video Pronunciation of daemon in English

    Phonetic spelling of daemon

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    Meanings for daemon

    a computer program that runs as a background process
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    Synonyms for daemon

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    Wiki content for daemon

    Daemon (classical mythology) - Daemon is the Latin word for the Ancient Greek daimon (δαίμων: "god", "godlike", "power", "fate"), which originally referred to a lesser deity or guiding spirit such as the daemons of ancient
    Daemon (computing) - In multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon ( or ) is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user.
    Daemon Tools - DAEMON Tools is a virtual drive and optical disc authoring program for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.
    Daemon X Machina - Daemon X Machina is a third-person shooter action game developed and published by Marvelous for the Nintendo Switch.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Daemon and Baela on Caraxes Commission by chillyravenart ...
    Listen Daemon and Baela on Caraxes Commission by chillyravenart ... pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    His Dark Materials: what is a daemon?
    0 rating rating ratings
    His Dark Materials Discussion: 'The Daemon Cages' sets up a new chapter
    0 rating rating ratings
    Daemon X Machina theme now available for the LINE app
    0 rating rating ratings
    The Witcher 3 Comes To Daemon X Machina With Crossover Content
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    Trending news on daemon

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    Listen Daemon and Baela on Caraxes Commission by chillyravenart ... pronunciation
    Daemon was THAT daddy! Commission for the awesome @velaryonsdrift of the best father-daughter duo enjoying a ride on Caraxes ❤ I absolutely loved drawing them! Thank you so much! If you're i..View article
    DeviantArt DeviantArt
    Artist Daemon Creates A New Sound That Shatters The Common ...
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    Like a lot of the world's best music and innovation, grunge-trap was created in a garage. Daemon (@songsbydae) and producing/writing partner Adrian’s Beats were in
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    Daemon x Machina Review: A Mecha Anime Fan's Dream
    Daemon x Machina sits somewhere right in the middle of these two extremes. Bringing flashy combat with a healthy amount of customization, Daemon x Machina is the game mecha anime fans have b..View article
    Comicbook.com Comicbook.com
    His Dark Materials forced to edit out penis of Mrs Coulter’s daemon monkey to keep show family friendly
    While viewers were divided about the pacing of the show, as well as the explanation of its complex daemon lore, everyone could agree that it looked beautiful. Living up to its whopping budge..View article
    The Sun The Sun
    The Witcher's Geralt and Ciri Come to Daemon X Machina
    The world of The Witcher has invaded that of the Nintendo Switch video game Daemon X Machina with the release of new DLC that brings Ciri and Geralt of Rivia into it as they appear in the CD..View article
    Comicbook.com Comicbook.com
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