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Phonetic spelling of córdoba

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Meanings for córdoba

the most populous city is located in Spain.
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Examples of in a sentence

Ibn Rushd and Maimonides in ''Out of Córdoba''
Listen Ibn Rushd and Maimonides in ''Out of Córdoba'' pronunciation
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Córdoba’s Mosque-Cathedral dispute puts Spanish identity at centre stage
Listen Córdoba’s Mosque-Cathedral dispute puts Spanish identity at centre stage pronunciation
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Central Córdoba (Santiago del Estero) 1-1 Banfield: results, summary and goals
Listen Central Córdoba (Santiago del Estero) 1-1 Banfield: results, summary and goals pronunciation
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córdoba should be in sentence

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Trending news on córdoba

Central Córdoba (Santiago del Estero) 1-1 Banfield: results, summary and goals
Listen Central Córdoba (Santiago del Estero) 1-1 Banfield: results, summary and goals pronunciation
Match ends, Central Córdoba (Santiago del Estero) 1, Banfield 1. Second Half ends, Central Córdoba (Santiago del Estero) 1, Banfield 1. 93' Attempt missed. Reinaldo Lenis (Banfield) right fo..View article
image-unavailable as.com
Córdoba’s Mosque-Cathedral dispute puts Spanish identity at centre stage
Listen Córdoba’s Mosque-Cathedral dispute puts Spanish identity at centre stage pronunciation
A steady stream of tourists is coming into the courtyard of Córdoba’s Mosque-Cathedral, passing orange trees and water fountains before entering the dimmed light of the monument itself.
The Irish Times The Irish Times
Ibn Rushd and Maimonides in ''Out of Córdoba''
Listen Ibn Rushd and Maimonides in ''Out of Córdoba'' pronunciation
Out of Córdoba is a documentary film about the greatest but least known chapter in European history: Muslim Spain. For almost 800 years, vast swathes of the Iberian Peninsula were under Musl..View article
Qantara Qantara

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Antonyms for córdoba

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Translations of córdoba

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