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    Video Pronunciation of cyrille in English

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    Meanings for cyrille

    Cyrille Regis is an English football player who had a great career for a span of 19 years . He passed away due to cardiac arrest.
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    Wiki content for cyrille

    Examples of in a sentence

    Live Review: Andrew Cyrille Night at the Vision Festival
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    Celebrating Andrew Cyrille at the 2019 Vision Festival
    0 rating rating ratings
    Q&A with Cyrille Martraire on the Book Living Documentation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Cyrille Regis inducted into football's Hall of Fame
    0 rating rating ratings
    Jazz Drum Great Andrew Cyrille Revels in Collaboration at Lifetime Achievement Show
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on cyrille

    Q&A with Cyrille Martraire on the Book Living Documentation
    To overcome this, Martraire describes a few techniques that apply, especially for legacy systems. InfoQ: Tell us a bit about the book Cyrille Martraire: The book is the result of many years..View article
    InfoQ InfoQ
    Cyrille Regis inducted into football's Hall of Fame
    Pioneering footballer Cyrille Regis has been inducted into the National Football Museum's Hall of Fame. The player's widow Julia was presented with the award by former England winger John Ba..View article
    Billionaire Bollore Hands Reins of Empire to Son Cyrille
    France’s Vincent Bollore is handing the reins of the $13 billion Bollore Group to his son Cyrille. But the 66-year old Breton isn’t leaving altogether. Cyrille Bollore, 33, will become chief..View article
    Bloomberg L.P. Bloomberg L.P.
    Celebrating Andrew Cyrille at the 2019 Vision Festival
    The essence of much of Cyrille's work is the musical conversation and he is an absolute master conversationalist. Many of the musicians who played with him on this festive occasion have a hi..View article
    Jazz Jazz
    Jazz Drum Great Andrew Cyrille Revels in Collaboration at Lifetime Achievement Show
    The most demonstrative note that Andrew Cyrille played on Tuesday night — a resounding thwack on the snare — was also the last. The drummer, a key presence across the full spectrum of jazz s..View article
    Rolling Stone Rolling Stone
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