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Meanings for crusades

A religious war happened in the 11th century which is organized by western European Christians to recover Jerusalem.
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Examples of in a sentence

Chapter 1078 — 'Scandinavia and the Northern Crusades'
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The Crusades of the Middle Ages conjure up images of knights in shining armor, pious kings, saints who see visions and even little children marching to Jerusalem to free the “Holy Land” from the “Infidels
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The history of the later Crusades, from the Fifth to the Eighth, enters into the continuations of William of Tyre above mentioned; while the Historia orientalis of Jacques de Vitry, who had taken part in the Fifth Crusade, and died in 1240, embraces the history of events till 1218 (the third book be
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At the close of the nth century the system of feudal states had been firmly established in the Netherlands under stable dynasties hereditary or episcopal, and, despite the The continual wars between them, civilization had begun to crusades.
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Translations of crusades

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