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    Meanings for crispus

    It is a Latin masculine name that means "Curly-Haired".
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    Wiki content for crispus

    Crispus - Flavius Julius Crispus (; died 326), also known as Flavius Claudius Crispus and Flavius Valerius Crispus, was a Caesar of the Roman Empire.
    Crispus Attucks High School - Crispus Attucks High School (also known as Crispus Attucks Medical Magnet High School) of the Indianapolis Public Schools in Indianapolis, in the U.S.
    Crispus Attucks - Crispus Attucks (c.1723 – March 5, 1770) was an American stevedore of African and Native American descent, widely regarded as the first person killed in the Boston Massacre and thus the first
    Crispus Allen - Crispus Allen is a fictional character in the DC Comics universe.
    Crispus Kiyonga - Crispus Walter Kiyonga, whose first name is sometimes spelled Chrispus, is a Ugandan, physician, politician and diplomat, who serves as Uganda's Ambassador to China, based in Beijing.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    "New Champs" - Bonus Footage from Crispus Attucks High School - We Grow Basketball Here Ep. 3
    Listen "New Champs" - Bonus Footage from Crispus Attucks High School - We Grow Basketball Here Ep. 3 pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Crispus Attucks High School - We Grow Basketball Here Ep. 3 (Part 1)
    Listen Crispus Attucks High School - We Grow Basketball Here Ep. 3 (Part 1) pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Indiana High School Basketball: Lawrence Central 78, Crispus Attucks 75
    Listen Indiana High School Basketball: Lawrence Central 78, Crispus Attucks 75 pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Crispus Nyaga
    Listen Crispus Nyaga pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Crispus Attucks the pick by City basketball coaches with Cathedral a close second
    Listen Crispus Attucks the pick by City basketball coaches with Cathedral a close second pronunciation
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    Translations of crispus

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    Trending news on crispus

    Book Review: The African-American Soldier: From Crispus Attucks to Colin Powell
    Listen Book Review: The African-American Soldier: From Crispus Attucks to Colin Powell pronunciation
    An uneven, though still valuable look at the role of black Americans in the nation's military history. The African-American Soldier is refreshingly free of the silly extremism found in such..View article
    image-unavailable StrategyPage
    Crispus Attucks High School - We Grow Basketball Here Ep. 3 (Part 2)
    Listen Crispus Attucks High School - We Grow Basketball Here Ep. 3 (Part 2) pronunciation
    Copyright © 2020 NBA Media Ventures, LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of NBA.com may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form. This site is ...
    image-unavailable National Basketball Association
    Boston’s Black History: Crispus Attucks
    Listen Boston’s Black History: Crispus Attucks pronunciation
    Born in Framingham in 1723, Crispus Attucks is widely known as the first person killed in the Revolutionary War. Attucks died in the Boston Massacre in 1770, after fights erupted between ...
    image-unavailable CBS Boston
    York County happenings: Crispus Attucks Cultural Thanksgiving Celebration
    Listen York County happenings: Crispus Attucks Cultural Thanksgiving Celebration pronunciation
    The event will take place virtually via Zoom and will be livestreamed on Crispus Attucks York’s Facebook page beginning at 5 pm. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Crispus Attucks will ...
    image-unavailable The York Dispatch
    Crispus Attucks the pick by City basketball coaches with Cathedral a close second
    Listen Crispus Attucks the pick by City basketball coaches with Cathedral a close second pronunciation
    Crispus Attucks, last year’s City tournament champion, is the pick to win the City again by a vote of the boys basketball coaches – but only by the slightest of margins. Last season ...
    image-unavailable MSN
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