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Phonetic spelling of Creswick

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Meanings for Creswick

It is a town in Australia that is known for its ancient artifacts and Cathedrals.
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Quiz on Creswick


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Wiki content for Creswick

Creswick, Victoria - Creswick is a town in west-central Victoria, Australia 18 kilometres north of Ballarat and 122 km northwest of Melbourne, in the Shire of Hepburn.
Creswick railway station - Creswick railway station is located on the Mildura line in Victoria, Australia. It serves the town of Creswick opening in 1874. The station closed on 12 September 1993 when The Vinelander was
Creswick Football Club - The Creswick Football Club is an Australian rules football club that plays in the Central Highlands Football League and is based in the town of Creswick, Victoria.
Creswick Jenkinson - Creswick Jenkinson was an Australian writer, producer and director. As a screenwriter, he wrote the film Captain Thunderbolt (1953) as well as episodes of the TV series Skippy the Bush Kangar
Creswick Peaks - The Creswick Peaks (70°28′S 67°43′W), in Antarctica, form an impressive mountain massif with several peaks, the highest at 1,465 metres (4,800 ft), standing at the northeast side of Moore Poi
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Examples of in a sentence

Giveaways and winners: Sensory Lab, Strike and Creswick Woollen Mills
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Translations of Creswick

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Creswick pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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