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Pronunciation of crest with 3 audio pronunciations
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IPA : krest
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Meanings for crest

a showy growth of e.g. feathers or skin on the head of a bird or other animal
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reach a high point
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the top point of a mountain or hill
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the top line of a hill, mountain, or wave
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the center of a cambered road
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Examples of in a sentence

Cedar Crest boys survive furious Lebanon rally to win OT classic
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Louisville City FC pulls the plug on its new crest after fans bash the design
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they clambered to the summit of Monadnock
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the view from the peak was magnificent
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DealBook | Upstart in China Rides High on IPO Crest
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on crest

Cedar Crest boys survive furious Lebanon rally to win OT classic
Cedar Crest boys survive furious Lebanon rally to win OT classic "You can throw the records out the window" is probably the least imaginative description of a rivalry game that can possibly..View article
Lebanon Daily News Lebanon Daily News
Louisville City FC pulls the plug on its new crest after fans bash the design
Louisville City FC pulls the plug on its new crest after fans bash the design Louisville City FC unveiled a new crest earlier this week. It did not go over well, and the club has ceased prod..View article
Courier-Journal Courier-Journal
Doctor Who: Serpent Crest: The Broken Crown Part Two
The Time Lord discovers the awesome power of the Skishtari Egg, and realises it cannot be entrusted to a child. Tom Baker stars.
Radio Times Radio Times
The cheapest apartments for rent in Forest Crest, San Antonio
Apartment hunting on a budget can be frustrating. So what does the low-end rent on a rental in Forest Crest look like these days — and what might you get for the price? According to Walk Sco..View article
Manslaughter Bail Should Go Down In Crest Hill Death: Lawyer
Marius Januzis fatally shot a man in the chest in front of several eyewitnesses, Crest Hill Police say. (Mugshot via Will County Sheriff ) CREST HILL, IL —A criminal defense lawyer from Nape..View article
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