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crescent moon

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Pronunciation of crescent moon with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkres(ə)nt muːn
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Phonetic spelling of crescent moon

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Learn more about the word "crescent moon" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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Wiki content for crescent moon

Crescent moon - Crescent moon may refer to:
Crescent Moon (manga) - Crescent Moon (Japanese: 未完の月, Hepburn: Mikan no Tsuki) is the English title of the shōjo manga Mikan no Tsuki (literally An Incomplete Moon)), written by Haruko Iida in partnership with Red
Crescent Moon Society - The Crescent Moon Society was a Chinese literary society founded by the poet Xu Zhimo in 1923, which operated until 1931. It was named after The Crescent Moon, a poem by Rabindranath Tagore.
Crescent Moon (The Avengers) - Crescent Moon is the fifth episode of the first series of the 1960s British spy-fi television series The Avengers, starring Ian Hendry, Patrick Macnee and Ingrid Hafner, and guest starring Pa
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Examples of in a sentence

Crescent moon: A marvelous night for Staten Island Amateur Astronomers ...
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Budding Night Sky Photographer Sees a Stunning Crescent Moon (Image)
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