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Learn how to pronounce Cox’s Bazar

Cox’s Bazar

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Meanings for Cox’s Bazar

A city that is situated in Bangladesh, which has a minimal population density.
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Wiki content for Cox’s Bazar

Examples of in a sentence

More horses die as Cox’s Bazar reels from Covid closures
Listen More horses die as Cox’s Bazar reels from Covid closures pronunciation
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IOM ramps up health response as second wave of Covid-19 hits Cox’s Bazar
Listen IOM ramps up health response as second wave of Covid-19 hits Cox’s Bazar pronunciation
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60 acres of agricultural land grabbed in Cox’s Bazar’: HC orders judicial inquiry
Listen 60 acres of agricultural land grabbed in Cox’s Bazar’: HC orders judicial inquiry pronunciation
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HC orders inquiry into land grabbing in Cox’s Bazar
Listen HC orders inquiry into land grabbing in Cox’s Bazar pronunciation
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2 killed in separate road accidents in Cox’s Bazar and Natore
Listen 2 killed in separate road accidents in Cox’s Bazar and Natore pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on Cox’s Bazar

IOM ramps up health response as second wave of COVID-19 strikes Cox’s Bazar
Listen IOM ramps up health response as second wave of COVID-19 strikes Cox’s Bazar pronunciation
It is imperative to strengthen our assistance and not let the situation deteriorate any further before it becomes impossible for the existing healthcare services to cope,” said Manuel Marque..View article
image-unavailable ReliefWeb
2 killed in separate road accidents in Cox’s Bazar and Natore
Listen 2 killed in separate road accidents in Cox’s Bazar and Natore pronunciation
Two women were killed in separate road accidents in Cox’s Bazar and Natore today. They were both hit by trucks, our local correspondents report quoting police.
The Daily Star The Daily Star
HC orders inquiry into land grabbing in Cox’s Bazar
Listen HC orders inquiry into land grabbing in Cox’s Bazar pronunciation
The High Court on Tuesday ordered a judicial inquiry into how 60 acres of agricultural land were illegally grabbed from their real owners at Muhuripar of Cox’s Bazar district. The order was..View article
New Age New Age
60 acres of agricultural land grabbed in Cox’s Bazar’: HC orders judicial inquiry
Listen 60 acres of agricultural land grabbed in Cox’s Bazar’: HC orders judicial inquiry pronunciation
The High Court today ordered a judicial inquiry into allegations of grabbing 60 acres of agricultural land at Muhuripara in Cox’s Bazar.
The Daily Star The Daily Star
IOM ramps up health response as second wave of Covid-19 hits Cox’s Bazar
Listen IOM ramps up health response as second wave of Covid-19 hits Cox’s Bazar pronunciation
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has said it is closely working with the Bangladesh government and the humanitarian community to ramp up the delivery of a wide range of sup..View article
Dhaka Tribune Dhaka Tribune
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