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Pronunciation of courser with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkɔːsə
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Phonetic spelling of courser

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Meanings for courser

A variety of birds from the Glareolidae family and is found in South Asia.
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Learn more about the word "courser" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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Wiki content for courser

Courser - The coursers are a group of birds which together with the pratincoles make up the family Glareolidae. They have long legs, short wings and long pointed bills which curve downwards.
Coursera - Coursera () is an American online learning platform founded by Stanford professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller that offers massive open online courses (MOOC), specializations, and degrees.
Courser (horse) - A courser is a swift and strong horse, frequently used during the Middle Ages as a warhorse. It was ridden by knights and men-at-arms.
Courser (disambiguation) - Courser may refer to:
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Examples of in a sentence

He now became a squire of the body, and truly an armiger or scutifer, for he bore the shield and armour of his leader to the field, and, what was a task of no small difficulty and hazard, cased and secured him in his panoply of war before assisting him to mount his courser or charger.
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Todd Courser wins primary; Daley loses Senate bid Tuesday
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Michigan tea party leaders Courser, Glenn, Gamrat win Republican primaries for state House
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Tim Skubick: GOP House nominee Todd Courser indicates he's not a believer in bipartisanship
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courser should be in sentence

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