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Pronunciation of courgette with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kʊəˈʒet
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Phonetic spelling of courgette

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Meanings for courgette

marrow squash plant whose fruit are eaten when small
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It is a summer squash that is like a small cucumber-shaped vegetable marrow.
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Examples of in a sentence

Courgette, Dolcelatte and cherry tomato frittata recipe
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Mint can freshen up many ingredients from broad beans to a courgette and feta salad In Greek mythology, poor old Minthe, the naiad that caught the wandering eye of Hades, was transformed into a mint plant by his vengeful wife, Persephone
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Feed your family for a fiver: Courgette boats
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Pasta bringing you down? Spiralize a courgette instead That durum wheat delight, how fitting that my only love should spring from my only hate! You filled the abyss in my stomach and pulled me out of those cataclysmic hangovers but you also made me
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Rachel Khoo: Chilled courgette and yoghurt soup with barbecued prawns
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