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coup de grâce

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Phonetic spelling of coup de grâce

coup de grâce
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Meanings for coup de grâce

the blow that kills (usually mercifully)
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Synonyms for coup de grâce

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Wiki content for coup de grâce

Coup de grâce - A coup de grâce (; French [ku də ɡʁɑs] for "blow of mercy") is a death blow to end the suffering of a severely wounded person or animal.
Coup de Grâce (1976 film) - Coup de Grâce (German: Der Fangschuß, French: Le Coup de grâce) is a 1976 West German film directed by Volker Schlöndorff.
Coup de Grâce (Mink DeVille album) - Coup de Grâce, issued in 1981, is the fourth album by the rock band Mink DeVille. The album represented a departure for the band, as frontman Willy DeVille dismissed the only other remaining
Coup de Grâce (Best of Koop 1997–2007) - Coup de Grâce (Best of Koop 1997–2007) is a 'best of' compilation album by electronic music duo Koop.
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Examples of in a sentence

In Europe the wild boar is still hunted with dogs, but the spear, except when used in emergencies and for giving the coup de grace, has been given up for the gun.
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European Athletics Championships 2014: Mo Farah is poised to apply coup de grace in men's 5,000m final
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Last night's victory by the New York Red Bulls was the coup de grace, officially eliminating the team from El Salvador ensuring that an MLS club will advance out of Group 3 in the CONCACAF Champions League
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ABOUT YESTERDAY: Despite a strong comeback to tie the game, Bowie's Buck Britton provided the coup de grace to the Curve with a solo home run off Matt Nevarez in the bottom of the eighth inning to defeat the Curve 5-4 on Friday night at Prince George's Stadium
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com Trek Factory Racing's Didier delivers the coup de grace on Boreas Pass, narrowly winning stage 5 in chilly Breckenridge The post Laurent Didier’s tenacious climbing wins a wet stage 5 at USA Pro Challenge appeared first on VeloNews
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Translations of coup de grâce

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Trending news on coup de grâce

Coup de grâce for Turkey tourist trade?
Listen Coup de grâce for Turkey tourist trade? pronunciation
Turkish hoteliers and retailers say they're feeling a severe pinch as an already weakened tourism industry takes another hit after last week's abortive coup attempt. Hayley Platt reports.
Reuters Reuters

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